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Water for Birds in Garden

Working in the garden on a hot day, today, I quickly worked up a sweat and needed more water in my body. The plants needed water and so did the worms.

Tonight on the news we heard more of the man-made disaster in the Gulf of the oil polluting the waters, waters that are essential to the chain of life for fish, animals and humans. We seem to take the ocean waters for granted until such a tragedy strikes.

In Milwaukee we live on the Great Lakes, the largest fresh water source in the world, yet our water bills are going up. Suburban communities that have drained out their well water are now negotiating to get water from Milwaukee. Large areas of the world are barren from lack of water while some areas suffer devastating floods.

We use water to drink, clean, to raise animals and plants. Some say that future wars will be fought over water, not oil. We cannot survive without water yet as seen in the Gulf oil spill, treat it so casually.

When I was in India on the Pilgrimage of Peace we learned something about the value of water. For showers in the morning we were given a bucket of hot water to mix with cold water from the faucet. When someone asked why there are no regular showers like in America the answer was quite simply: “We cannot afford such wasteful use of water.”

Water is everywhere and we all need it.



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