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Today was the first day this year that I worked outside the house in our gardens that it was hot. The heat took the strength out of me. I came in sweaty, hot and tired. Hopefully my body will adjust to the heat since we have a week of over eighty temperatures ahead of us.
I always get hot and tired of persons saying one thing and doing another thing, including myself. I spent some time tonight adding to our congressperson’s war spending record. She claims to be for peace and against war but keeps on voting for more war spending as proposed by our Democratic President.
Fr. Wild S.J. and Marquette University say they do not discriminate and uphold a Christian mission and identity yet continue to host the base School of the Army that does discriminate and teaches values contrary to Catholic values.
The Catholic Church says it upholds Catholic morals and values yet fails to condemn wars that the Catholic Church hierarchy has declared “immoral, illegal and unjust”.
The “Tea Party” people say they are against more taxation yet say nothing about the majority of spending which is for military, even when the Secretary of Defense and military says it is wasteful spending.
I as an individual do not always do what I say I should do. However, I believe that groups and organizations, like US representatives and the Democratic party, Marquette University, Catholic Church and Tea Party, need to be held to a higher standard of doing what they say. Changes may start with individuals but the system only changes when groups and organization change.
Maybe it is the heat talking but the disparity between what we say and do must stop or else we will all be overheated.