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Rain Time
These spring days, with limited time and too much to do, I am thinking about priorities for my time. Due to five rides to health clinics today I missed working in the gardens around the house. However, one of the appointments at a clinic was for me, two were for family members and two for friends. Friends, family members and I take priority over gardening.
When I give priority to what is most meaningful for me, my beliefs and values, I feel healthier. That is another reason for the home model of Growing Renewable Affordable Food (G.R.A.F.) Besides the Soil and Sun therapy value, it feels good and gives a person a chance to reflect leisurely, something important but often ignored in the busy world of our times.
This view of the priority of time fits well with the reading I was doing in waiting rooms at clinics today. I was reading about the philosophy and theology of Ignacio Ellacuria, the Jesuit priest, who was killed in El Salvador. Although a great intellectual, he strongly believed in practicing ideas in everyday action, in the immediate historical situation we find ourselves in. For example, Father Ellacuria taught that the task of faculty and universities was not to prepare students to be professional but “to be a critical and creative consciousness effectively at work in the service of the community.”
Immersing ourselves, working in the garden or waiting for friends at a clinic, in the moment of history that presents itself is where time is at.