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When we lived in Madison, Wisconsin my wife and I, one day, took a walk through a nature preserve called Picnic Point. “Picnic Point, a nearly mile-long peninsula along Lake Mendota’s south shore, is among Madison’s most distinctive features and is probably the most popular destination in the Preserve.” I remember that going on the walk my mind was hectic and after the walk my mind was relaxed. I now realize it was a taste of what I now call “Soil and Sun” therapy.

I have always been interested in the relationship between science and religion. After walking through the park a thought came to my mind: ‘The world will end when humans can create nature.’ I am not sure what this thought means but am reminded of it after, like today, I have a chance to work in my growing power home model gardens.

For the amount of work that I put in these home gardens, the amount of food production is minimal. But my work in the garden makes me feel creative in a way that no technology experience can do.

Based on my thought above, the end of world coming when humans can create nature, we have a long way to go. There are many ways to find God, the higher power or the power within. There are many ways to be creative. Nature is the easy way.



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