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Artist Nnamdi Okonkwo with
‘They Are Waiting’
I drove two friends to clinics today. One without any health insurance had to wait nearly five hours to get some basic medication and an appointment next week at another clinic. The one with some basic health care coverage had an appointment but still had to wait for over a hour for a procedure and also got another appointment for next week.
Being in solidarity with people in need I have learned how to wait. Today I took a book along about liberation theology in Central America, particularly El Salvador. Since I was so tired from getting up early the last two days the reading was rough, but I got the impact of the writing since I was living it, in some small way, waiting with persons in waiting rooms of clinics.
By the time I finally got to the city dump for wood chips to make compost it had just closed, and when I got home there was not much time left to work in the gardens. Garden time today was spent waiting in clinics, but that is okay. The plants in my sun room can wait till next week but the two persons I took to the clinic needed treatment today.
The reading I got in was all about finding Christ in history with the suffering and poor, those who wait and wait in clinics. In the garden we plant and wait for life to grow. In life we wait and wait for life to grow.
It is time for graduations, being with family and friends and a time to grow. Diary of Worm will return Monday, May 17, 2010