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Yesterday I purchased some more marigold plants to place on three sides of the raised vegetable garden on my front yard. I choose marigolds last year not only because of their beauty but I have been told that their pungent scent repels bugs and insects. In the front garden which is exposed to the sun all day I do companion planting of tomatoes, basil, and peppers. So marigolds serve a double purpose, beauty at the borders and a deterrent to insects.

Gardens, especially with companion planting, often contain many examples of one plant nurturing and protecting others and itself. Many plants, like marigolds, serve a number of purposes.

In life I have noticed that true concern and compassion for others, especially persons in need, serves a double purpose. It helps another and brings blessings to the person doing the service. As Thomas Merton says: “The mature person realizes that life affirms itself most, not in acquiring things but in giving time, efforts, strength, intelligence, and love to others.”

Tomorrow I will drive a friend to the hospital and another one to visit his mom in an assisted living home. These acts of giving will be life affirming for others and myself. Sometime during the day I will plant the new marigolds in the garden so they can affirm who they are by giving to the garden.



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