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A full day of rain kept us all in today. No sun, no soil, no sun and soil therapy. It was a time to catch up with mail, regular mail and email and to get some things done around the house.

Although there was no sun outside today, I was awakened this morning by a sunny phone call from an old friend who is now dying from a painful cancer. He was thanking me for a Milwaukee 14 Today newsletter update I did, but also telling me of how wonderful his life has been and how blessed and full of gratitude his life was and is. His phone call was a blessing for me since, despite my optimistic nature, I can get a little down about what I am doing making a difference.

Another high spot of our dark rainy day was reading the local newspaper about how a group of Marquette University students were protesting Marquette University rescinding a job offer to a lesbian. This was interesting since we have tried and failed to get Marquette University students interested in closing the base school of the army on campus. We have been using moral and ethical reasons since Marquette is a Jesuit Catholic university. Maybe we should have used the other two reasons for Marquette not hosting a military base on campus. These reasons are academic, some military courses and professors do not seem to meet the standards of the university and discrimination, and the military with its “Don’t Tell, Don’t Ask” policy discriminates against openly gay and lesbian students that desire officer training in the military. If moral and ethical reasons do not incite students perhaps academic and discrimination reasons will.

One bit of good news came today with the individual friend calling me this morning with a bright outlook on life. His message spoke to how one individual can make a difference. The other good news today came from the students at Marquette who spoke out against institutional discrimination at Marquette University. With sun or rain we need both kinds of good news, individual and institutional change, to move on.



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