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Readers of these postings know I have frequently asked: “Where have all the flowers gone?” This song from the sixties has been in my head a lot recently. I am not sure I understand the question fully and certainly do not have the answer. However, I do know where some of the flowers from my gardens around the house have gone. They went to my dear wife as we celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary this week. The one purple flower in the middle of the bouquet represents the times when all was not the yellow and red flowers of joy. Many have called her a ‘saint’ for bearing with me all these years and I must agree.
Flowers come in all sizes and colors and some, like roses, with thorns. The main purpose of flowers seems to be providing beauty. They are a sign of joy at a wedding or a funeral. Once they are fully grown or picked they will eventually wilt and die. By being just flowers they deliver joy and beauty. Maybe this is why in a time of war and distress we ask: “Where have all the flowers gone”?