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Woodland Sun Flowers in
good soil in the Rain Garden

I have been talking in these postings recently about Sun and Soil Therapy, where working with soil offers soil salvation, “proving to be nature’s fruitful way of cultivating your health — physically and psychologically.” Also many times I have talked how much better I feel on sunny days. Today I learned two pieces of information that verify the value of Sun and Soil Therapy.

On the way to a prayer vigil for a homicide victim I heard on public radio that scientists have discovered a gene in worms that give it great regeneration powers. Some worms can be cut into little piece and as long as this particular gene remains each piece will regenerate all the body parts of a worm — brain, digestion system etc. These worms theoretically are ageless as long as they receive the basics of food, water and air. This ancient gene is in some shadowy form in all animals including humans. Now we all know that worms live in therapeutic soil.

My doctor called today with the results of the blood test at my annual checkup. He told me that he had good news and to get a pen to write down some numbers. I said if it’s good news why do I need to write down anything? He said to write the numbers down in case I want to brag about them. The cholesterol and sugar levels were all good, but my Vitamin D levels were low. I do not remember the Doctor checking my Vitamin D levels before, but got a hint of it at the checkup when his resident assistant asked me about Vitamin D. He told me that Vitamin D comes from the Sun. So today when my Doctor asked me if I knew how to get more Vitamin D I said, go out in the sun and work in the garden. What he really was suggesting, however, is to take Vitamin D pills, which I will also do. However, now that I am working in the garden on an almost daily basis and the sun has been out, I am really feeling much better and know my Vitamin D levels are rising.

Today is Earth Day, a good day to talk about Sun and Soil Therapy. This therapy works best with a simple and reflective lifestyle. Thus, the next three days I am going on a Catholic Worker Resistance Retreat which should give me plenty of time to absorb in my system all the healing sun and soil that has blessed my life recently. The Diary of the Worm postings will return Monday eve.



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