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Today is Tax day. Our Federal and State Tax forms are due. Despite taxes being lower this year than they have been since before the Bush years, people, especially the so called ‘Tea Party’, are still protesting higher taxes. They protest high taxes and deficits, yet never mention the fact that 53% of our Federal Tax dollars go for war. They protest government programs for the common good that cost millions but ignore war spending that costs billions and trillions.
However, the Tea Party does capture an anger that is building up in this country, the feeling that we the people are powerless over our own destiny as a country. Liberals blame conservatives and conservatives blame liberals. Republicans blame Democrats and Democrats blame Republicans. Everyone blames big media.
In fact, in my opinion, we the people are our own worst enemies. We are the enemy as Pogo reminded us.
I did two things today to express this opinion. On the positive side I worked a few hours outside on our home gardens, especially the rain garden. On the negative side I wrote an open letter to my congressperson who once again distracted us from holding her accountable for her war spending votes. I say positive for one, since I think my quiet work in the garden did more good than my negative act of writing this letter, which appears below.
But is this not the spirit of Tax Day, to watch 47% of our Federal tax dollar go to building America and the people while 53% goes for war and killing people? April 15th, Tax Day, reminds us of where our priorities in life are and where they should be. Being my own worst enemy gives me the Tax Day Blues.
Check out this open letter to Rep. Gwen Moore. Have you told your congresspersons No Moore War Spending?
On Feb. 22nd at a meeting at your congressional office in Milwaukee, I, representing a group of concerned constituents of the 4th district, twice asked if you would meet publicly with us to explain your votes for war and war spending and allow us to lobby you on future war spending votes.
Two times you said yes you would be present at such a public meeting. The only condition you presented to us was that we coordinate the public meeting with your staff. We designated Liz from the Peace Action staff to be our coordinator of the public meeting.
After this meeting I found out that the public meeting we had been trying to arrange with you, before this one, had been badly misrepresented by one of the persons present at the meeting. I was told by your staff that I and other concerned constituents would be directly involved in the public meeting.
Now I have learned from the same person that had misrepresented our efforts for a public meeting (as well as your concerns), that he arranged with your staff a town hall meeting with you and Congressperson Dennis Kucinich on Sunday, April 25th 10–12noon, a time when most of us worship God.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich did not vote for the 80 billion supplementary war spending bill, you did.
Rep. Kucinich did not vote against his own resolution to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by the end of year. I do not think that he put millions of dollars of ‘pork’ in the Federal Budget or voted to condemn the Goldstone report on the war in Gaza. You did.
So once again I ask you in the name of the many who have taken the pledge to call you to vote No on war and war spending and all the hundreds of thousands of persons who have been killed or wounded by your votes for war spending, please be accountable to your people in a public meeting on your record and allow us to speak with you about our views on this issue.
Today is April 15th Tax Day. 53% of our Federal Taxes goes to war spending. It is our money and in our name that you vote for war and war spending.
Please allow us, we the people, to meet with you, not with Dennis Kucinich, not during Sunday Worship. We ask for a public meeting so we can humbly ask you, Please No Moore War Spending.
God Bless You and may you may you Bless God by canceling your Sunday morning meeting and publicly meeting with your constituents on your votes for war and war spending.
Thank you,
Bob Graf