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Learning about waste is important to life. We need to learn how to manage waste. There is good waste and bad waste. Compost, waste products like kitchen scraps, leaves, wood chips, and coffee grounds is good waste and when fed to worms become good organic soil. Styrofoam makes for bad waste since it is a non organic, non-recyclable material.
There is good and bad waste of time. Working in the garden, my Soil and Sun therapy today, some would say is a waste of time, since the amount of food the garden will produce is no way equal to the time, money and energy I will spend on the garden. However, I can truly say this, that for me, this is a good waste of time. All the time I spent tonight trying to get my DVD player connected properly was a bad waste of time. I did not figure it out this time. There were many better things I could have done with this time and, even if I had managed to figure it out, the experience was frustrating and a waste.
Spending time communicating with a person that does not truly listen and has his or her mind made up is a waste of time. This goes for many meetings where people talk and talk but do nothing. On the other hand listening to a friend in need, giving advice or a helping hand is a good use, not a waste, of time. This goes for many meetings and conversations where people talk, reflect and act.
Subsequently, the time I spend reacting to a person and message by talking in person, phone or email is a waste of time. Yet responding honestly and humbly to a person and message by talking in person, phone or email is often not a waste of time.
‘Being wasted’ usually refers to a person that is drunk or high on drugs. Yet being wasted can be good if we mean that we have tried our best and now leave the matter in hands of God or others. I always felt that just like “Blessed are the poor”, “Blessed are the wasted” can mean those who have surrendered themselves to a Higher Being and are thus blessed.
Today was a day of waste. I worked with the waste of compost, wasted time trying to get a DVD player working, talked with a friend who was wasted and exhausted by a family crisis, my body was uplifted by the sun and soil yet felt wasted, tired and a little sickly tonight. Learning about waste certainly is not a waste. Waste management is important.