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It was dark and cloudy today but that did not stop me from clipping through my “to do after Easter” list. However, around mid afternoon I felt sick to my stomach and that did stop me. It is hard to work when you are feeling sick. Sickness reminds me of family and friends who despite suffering long term illnesses manage to keep smiling and stay kind and considerate.
I remember my younger sister Carol whose cancer treatment left her sick and with nausea for years before she died. She kept bringing joy to the lives of others until the end. Today I called my friend who is going in for cancer surgery at the end of this week. For him it is more the fear of having his life cut short. He works so hard at his job and for peace and justice that it brings meaning to his life and others. Two other of my present friends suffer from constant pain and illnesses.
All this reflecting on pain and illnesses does not make my stomach feel better but it helps me be aware of the blessings of health that I enjoy.
In the mail I received The Little Book of Archbishop Oscar Romero, a man of El Salvador who knew much suffering and was a ‘voice for the voiceless’. ‘The Little Book’ is 4 by 3 inches and is full of thoughts and quotes from Archbishop Romero, who was killed by the military 30 years ago for speaking out for the oppressed. I remembered the testimony of the ‘Co Madres’, mothers of the missing in El Salvador, woman who were tortured terribly by the military forces the US supported in the long civil war in El Salvador.
How people can suffer from illnesses, pain or torture and still remain hopeful not vengeful persons amazes me. Now that is a thought that is healing even in illness.