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Action in the DMZ
Community Garden

Tonight while watching the NCAA Championship basketball game on TV, I wrote a long response to an old friend who has challenged our efforts to hold Rep. Gwen Moore accountable for her support of money for war. (See No More War Spending ) I wrote the response as one final effort to raise awareness of the direction that Peace Action of WI is taking. In my mind it is away from being a meaningful organization for taking nonviolent action on peace and justice issues. I am afraid that without a turnaround from words to actions at Peace Action I will need to resign.

There is too much else that has more meaning to me than to always try to defend one’s actions, values and beliefs. If I was truly a nonviolent person I would let false accusations, misrepresentations and distractions from real issues slide off of me like water off a duck. Clearly I am not there yet.

Watching the basketball game while writing this letter gave me an excuse for spending so much time on it. However, this was not true for the rest of the day. So this morning I wrote a long list of things I said I would do ‘after Easter’ and during most of the day made some headway on the list, at least in some of the important ones, like cleaning the house and working on the gardens outside.

Last week I wrote a very brief “letter to the editor” about the ‘clergy sex scandal.’ That letter came from the heart and was quickly written. If the newspaper does not publish it in a day or two I will put it on . This letter of a couple hundred words was probably worth more than the one tonight of a couple thousands of words.

Easter calls for action and fewer words as I write more words about words. Back to the garden tomorrow I go. In the garden actions not words count.



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