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I report to you today, April 1st, that all wars in the world have ended and that peace reigns throughout the earth. So now you know today is April Fool’s day. You might say to me “Go fly a kite”. Well you would be correct. Today, April 1st, my wife, grandson, granddaughter and I went to the lake front to fly a kite. My granddaughter assisted my wife, and I assisted by grandson. At first we failed. We blamed the lack of wind. But all of sudden my wife and my grandson had their kites flying high and proud. We gave thanks to the wind.
Wind, which in the bible is the same word as spirit, is a strange thing. We do not see it yet feel it. We do not know when it blows but are glad or sad when it does. A gentle breeze on a hot day can be comforting. A strong wind on a cold day can be discomforting. One of my favorite expressions comes from the song “Blowin’ in the Wind” and is: “The answer my friend, is blowin’ in the wind, the answer is blowin’ in the wind.” This Bob Dylan song has meant a lot to me. As Jesus says to Nicodemus in the Gospel; “The wind blows where it pleases, you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3: 8)
In this blessed Holy Week I pray that we all enjoy a windfall of hope so that someday I can say April Fool’s by saying “the world is full of war and violence reigns throughout the earth.” You still might respond “Go fly a kite” and you would still be correct.