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A light, wet snow covered the ground this morning, the first day of spring. Today is the Spring Equinox, when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. The night and day are approximately equally long. This day, the equinox, which occurs only twice a year, is a day for prayer and meditation on the spirituality of nature. It is a day “to restore balance to the healing word” as this YouTube video sent to me today, Global Healing Meditation, illustrates.

A friend called today who was struggling to keep balance in his life. I did not have much advice at the time to give my friend, but as I watched the YouTube meditation tonight I realized the answer lies in being present to now, in the moment we are facing. Living in the present has always been a challenge in my life, but it also has been the only way to keep my balance of mind.

We can have all the well-prepared plans we like for what we will do each day, but unless we live in the present we will not have a peaceful day. Today I had some plans to work to prepare planting in the sun room. However, when I started the project a friend, who is ill, called and said she needed to get her car from the repair shop and needed a ride. She also needed to have some copies of keys made.

If I, in my mind, had wanted to keep working with preparing the soil, I might have helped my friend but not been happy doing it. However I chose to live in the moment, and although not perfectly, did enjoy running this errand for my friend. I even managed to find a good deal on some seeds when I was waiting in the hardware store while the keys were being made.

The balance of nature and our lives, like in the equinox, is found living in the now.



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