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The Diary of the Worm is taking a ‘time out’
and will resume March 11th.

In the summer I have the gardens to keep me grounded. I was hoping to do more growing in the winter in the sun room, but without getting the solar heating system I was hoping to build I did not spend much time growing. We had some things, like the arugula in our salad tonight, but not nearly what the room is capable of with more heat and light.

Besides working in the gardens, another way to keep grounded and keep life in perspective is to retreat from everyday life and take some time for new experiences, quiet and reflections. So from tomorrow till March 11th I will take a ‘time out’, doing some traveling, listening and conversing. After ‘time out’ experiences such as these I have come back to my daily life inspired and renewed.

Maybe March 11, we can start an early spring, with at least enough light and heat in the sun room to start growing again. Like the child at heart I seek to be, it is time for a ‘time out’.



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