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Winter Garden
The winter garden does not produce food but it looks great. Mother Mary, now Queen of the Snow, still stands in the middle saying “Let it be, Let it be.” Beneath the snow covered mound in the back of the yard I know my worms are warm, alive and well, eating and casting. A small wet snow fell last night. It is easy to work with and brings beauty to the garden without any burden.
A meeting with a politician today went well. A meeting with peace people tonight did not. With the politician we talked about the major issues of war and peace. At the other meeting we talked about minor issues, like corrections of minutes, who can work on a committee and not, and other petty issues.
I choose the winter garden, clean, white and beautiful over the mess of petty politics.
Mary Queen of Snow and Winter Garden help me to take insults and injuries and not react but keep clean, white and at peace.
Debbie Metke — 23 February 2010, 12:16
Yes, Bob, I was at both meetings with you. Getting along with other people is a hard road to walk. Some have to lighten up and others have to be more precise at times, I suppose. No wonder life on earth is so tough. But in the meantime, we each have to carve out a project where we can shine with our gifts. You certainly have some wonderful ones to share.