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I did not get my hands dirty in the soil today but still had a good day. I completed the article The Militarization of Catholic Jesuit University Education and had some positive comments.
I packed my bags to go to SOAWatch tomorrow for the yearly effort to close the School of Americas, the Army training school for Latin America soldiers who have been suppressing human rights in their countries. This year, hopefully, we can get out the message that the same type of military training that so many find repulsive at the School of Americas is going on in our universities and colleges.
Despite the fulfillment of today I do miss the ground and green of the garden. When I return Sunday I need to plant, beautify, and grow in the sun room. If I can create in the sun room a place of quiet refuge from the ways of the world I will be better able to enter the world of conflict and noise in a creative way.
There is a time for action and a time for silence. Hopefully the next few days I can find silence in action.