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The morning started dark with the news that someone close to me took another step falling deeper into a harmful illness. This afternoon my friends in India wrote to me of devastating floods in their province of India.
Outside today was a dark, windy day and full of falling leaves. The warm air and wind caused a great number of leaves to fall and cover the ground. “Manna” from heaven for the soil was abundant today.
Inside I stayed all day waiting for the computer repair man to come and fix my wife’s computer. I said I would do this today and I did but all this inside waiting tempted me to use my mind for technology stuff while balancing it with natural stuff. By the time he came in the late afternoon my mind was tired. When he left I needed to rush out to some radio stations to pick up some concert tickets my wife had won.
Now my head hurts, my computer is acting up and I feel like wallowing in the dark side of today. But there were some bright spots; a few people contacted me with words of encouragement in some of my struggles and all those leaves that fell today will mean more food tomorrow for the compost pile and worm depository. Also I saw tiny plants poking above ground in the Growing Power Box in the sun room.
So with the dark and computer glitches some glimpses of hope. I need to look at some jokes that came today by email, shut down the computer read, relax and sleep. Maybe the sun will shine tomorrow and my fall into darkness will look better.