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In nature everything is what it seems to be. Outside today was another beautiful sunny day. And it was. In technology everything is not what it seems to be. Perception can easily be misrepresented.
Emails are great technological ways of communicating. We can now, regularly and almost instantly, communicate with persons all over the world. This is something we could not do in nature. We would need to personally face a person to communicate if there was no technology. Emails are a technological wonder but have faults due to the lack of nature in this way of communicating.
Written words on a screen are cold. With no visual view of the persons speaking and no hearing of how the words are spoken, the frozen words can be easily misunderstood.
A case in point was an email I received today from a friend on a peace list server. He was upset that someone had ignored his comments on Medicare not being socialism in an online discussion of socialism. I wrote back to him a comment asking him excuse the offender since the person was old. The person that upset this other person is old but I was making a tongue in cheek comment blaming a forgotten mention as the result of old age.
However, the person offended by being ignored in another person’s email took my email seriously and was offended by it. He let it be known. I wrote back to him asking him to lighten up and asking him if he considered the fire department a socialist institution since it was run by the government and had red trucks. I hope he got the humor in my words this time.
Nature is what it is. In nature you get all five senses, touch, hearing, seeing, taste and smell. In emails you just get the words without any use of the senses. Nature is what it is and uses all the senses.