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In the September 7th post, Cow Dung to Worm Castings Part 2, I reported about the slow and ‘sickly worms’ in the compost pile at my son’s land up north. I blamed it on the fact that there was too much carbon material in the cow dung mix.
I brought some of the cow dung/worm compost home with me to sift to make worm castings. The enriched compost mix that did not sift easily I put in a big container. I also put some of the weak worms in that mix. When I was watering the garden I also watered the soil in the container. Today when I was looking to collect some worms to share I looked in the box. The same worms that were slow and sickly were now alive and wiggly. All the mix and worms needed was water. I remember my daughter–in-law saying they had not watered the compost for a few weeks before I collected this sample. It was not too much carbon but too little water that was the problem.
It has not rained in the month of September, 19 days. I have frequently watered the gardens. To turn cow dung to worm castings, like in a successful garden, just add water.