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Sandy Cheeks
Earlier in the summer I wrote how robins were all over my yard, attracted by the major supply of worms. Now the robins are gone but the squirrels are everywhere. I stopped putting food in the bird feeder because whatever I did the squirrels would find a way around it and take the seeds they liked.
Each morning these days when I go out the front door to get the morning newspaper I see squirrels in my front lawn garden. I usually chase them up a tree as I am afraid they will take a bite out of the tomatoes in the front lawn garden. However, this morning when I went out back to the garage they were there also. I finally realized the multitude of squirrels in my gardens were there to prepare for the long winter months of hibernating by squirreling up on food. Just as the robins were feasting on the worms so are the squirrels feasting on the acorns and other food they might find around the gardens.
The squirrels, however, were not only looking for food right now but were bulking up for winter hibernation. From the squirrel on the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon, Sandy Cheeks, I have learned about the significance of a squirrel bulking up for the winter sleep.
Actually I have not noticed any squirrel bites out of my tomatoes. So tomorrow when I go out to get the newspaper, rather than chase the squirrels up the tree, I will welcome them to store up on the fall feast for the winter. After they are done squirreling and go into hibernation I will put bird food back in the bird feeder.