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Wild sunflowers in the rain garden

Today was another sunny day. The weatherman says that it will probably not rain till next week, making it three weeks in a row without rain. Gardens need sun and rain, but whereas sun cannot be replaced outside, rain can be with watering of the garden. So this sunny stretch, with help from watering, has really extended the growing season in the gardens. More tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants today and more to come tomorrow.

As a constant gardener one must always be preparing for the next season. When fall finally comes I will be ready with kale growing strong in the garden, the GP box in the sun room full of compost, worms and castings and ready to grow, the window inserts in and, hopefully, the solar collector box on the sun room roof. The latter needs someone to build. (See The Green Answer is Within.)

Also once the weather turns the great lakes salmon will come upstream on the Milwaukee River from Lake Michigan to spawn and be ready for catching, smoking and eating.

All four seasons contribute to growing power and all four seasons of growing need sun and rain or a substitute, like growing lights and snow. The seasons come and go but sun and rain and growing power remain constant.



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