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Today as we remember the national tragedy of 9/11, an old friend from California came to visit. This is one of my friends who keep me supplied daily with humorous emails. When he comes to Milwaukee for a visit we can enjoy the humor live and up front. He has mastered the way of integrating a joke into a story and conversation so seamlessly that sometimes, until the punch line, you do not know it is a joke. In fact tonight when he was telling me the Native American stories of how the towns near his home town were named I kept waiting for the punch line. There was none since he was telling me history.
My friend has suffered a hard life with relationships and with many illnesses. However, with humor he has kept his balance and been able to enjoy life. Humor has been healing in his life. Even about all the pain he has suffered he says that pain lets you know that you are alive.
I have mentioned before how humorous email from three or four friends have kept me smiling although many emails are bearers of bad news.
I need to work more on the Jokes section of the www.nonviolentcow.org . For information helps us to understand and opinions influence us but only humor heals.
Dernell — 24 January 2012, 04:34
Super informative wtiring; keep it up.
ecgohee — 25 January 2012, 03:58
jbjwxrdsr — 26 January 2012, 11:55