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New Orleans: 10 months after the storm
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke).
A friend sent me this quote today with a message that it was a good one for me. I took this as a compliment since I cannot be silent on any important issue. Although I have seen the quote before it was timely. I just wrote another friend questioning his silence on a major issue he has long been concerned about. He wrote back with some superficial message ignoring my main message and question.
Doing nothing or ignoring something that would be uncomfortable to speak or act on seems to be the norm today for moderate or liberal persons. Real conservatives and real radicals speak out on everything, no matter how controversial the issue may be. It seems like it is mostly liberals and moderates that are silent or ignore issues that may run them in conflict with others or be too controversial.
I know that I am talking in generalities to protect the innocent and the guilty. So maybe, this being the “Diary of the Worm,” I had better turn to specifics in nature. Nature seems to take care of itself when it is left to itself. Forest fires happen naturally and are not the “super forest fires” we are now experiencing in California, and there is no such thing as ‘global warming’ without human interference with nature.
I remember reading an article after the tragedy in New Orleans how, it was not the hurricane that caused all the damage but the human made things, like warming of waters, digging out the Mississippi river basin and building insufficient levies that caused the major damage.
If we humans followed our nature, when we saw something that was against who we are, we would speak and act up naturally. We would not be silent or ignore the issue. In nature good always triumphs over evil eventually, but with humans we can choose to do nothing or ignore something and allow evil to triumph.