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St. Julian of Norwich
Amidst the turmoil and order of this day, the quote of St. Julian of Norwich, a 14th century English mystic, comes to mind: “…All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well” she said. Today, by phone, in person, email or in nature, I encounter all kinds of things. I sought to connect all of them but only hope and pray for the ability to deal with them one at a time. This balance between connecting everything and accepting each one is what I need to find. For in this balance of unity and diversity rest the wellness we all seek.
Specifically today I must have communicated intensely with 20 or so persons and casually with a 100 or so. It was about major issues, like healthy of mind and body and menial things, like taste of a food or comments on a newspaper article. Even in the garden there were major concerns, like the quality of the worm castings from cow dung I brought back yesterday from up north to minor concerns of the number of tomatoes to pick.
All and all it was a very tiring day and I am glad that tomorrow is Labor Day, which means it is, like Sunday, a day of rest. Maybe having two days of rest in a row, today, Sunday, and tomorrow Labor Day, will equal one day of rest and reflection. For it is only when we stop to see, listen, hear, taste and touch the turmoil and order of daily life that we can find unity in the diversity and truly say: “ All shall be well.”