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Mother Cow
As in the USA we refer to the earth as Mother Earth, in India the cow is referred to as Mother Cow. In India the primary product of the cow is dung. In a posting on May 5th I described the project of turning cow dung to worm castings on my son’s land up north, across the road from a family dairy farm. Soon I will travel there to check on this experiment.
The same family dairy farmer is also interested in turning cow dung into energy, something that is regularly done in India in an affordable way. For some reason this simple method of producing energy is ignored in the USA or made too complicated and expensive.
Tonight I worked on a page about turning Cow Dung To Worm Castings and Energy. Basically I started to describe this low tech but effective way to turn cow dung to castings and into energy.
There will be more on these methods of producing organic fertilizer and energy on the Cow Dung To Worm Castings and Energy page and in the Diary of the Worm postings. But for today this is enough to start us on the road to enjoying the wealth of Mother Cow.