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Mother Mary in the Garden Today

From my office I can see out through the sun room windows into the backyard garden all the way to the Blessed Mother Mary statue in the circle of flowers in the middle. Today as I was talking to a technician in India about my computer, a big fat robin perched on the plant stand outside my sun room window and was looking directly at me sitting at my computer. This was the fattest robin I had ever seen and the thought came to me, as he just stood there for the longest time, that the robin was thanking me for all the worms that the garden and compost pile had provided for him to feast on. Waiting for some computer test to run I put the telephone on speaker phone and went to get my camera to take a picture of the big robin staring at me.

I got the digital camera but the disk was missing. I remember I had used it in this computer last night and just took it out this morning. I looked around the computer for the missing disk but in all the mess on my desk could not find it. I went back to the camera case to get another disk. All the while I was on the phone to the technician in India.

However the disk I grabbed was not working so I went back to looking for the one I was using that was somewhere around the computer I was repairing by phone. The bird just stood there looking at me. I needed to put my attention back on the computer and eventually when I went to look for the robin it had given up and gone away.

After a long time and many tests, including the takeover of my computer by the technician in India, he concluded that there was nothing wrong with my computer and maybe some dust had gathered in my vent in back of the computer causing the freeze ups. After I got off the phone I cleaned the area around the computer and the computer. Now it works well except the keys are now so sensitive to my touch that the cursor jumps to another spot or another screen. However, the picture of the Thank You Robin will not appear.

For some time now I have been meaning to fix my side door doorbell. Today when I was leaving the house to run some errands I noticed a big bag full of wood shavings, good for compost, at the side door. I do not know who to thank for the wood shavings and do not know if they rang the bell or not since I was home during the drop off. Thank You, whoever you may be, for the wood shavings.

One more big thank you came today. I went over to the Westside Garden Center and the owner, gave me lots of plants cheaply for the DMZ community garden. Tomorrow eve Dawn, Marna and I with, hopefully, with neighbors will meet at the garden and plant the new plants. For this Thank You I can take a picture and give it to Franz of the garden center.

Thank you robin for being so patient and posing so long for me. Thank you anonymous giver of the wood shavings for compost. Thank you Franz for the wonderful deal on plants. As mother Mary says: “let it be, let it be.”



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