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Today I felt honored to talk with two proponents of Growing Renewable Affordable Food (G.R.A.F.). One was an owner of a new Westside garden center that is interested in developing local vermicompost for home use and the other person is someone who has turned his rooftop into a productive growing area.
As I was excited about talking today to these two I felt a little bitter, (a wasted emotion), toward two other major proponents of growing power in the area who have rejected all my offers to be of assistance.
Today my friend Prasad, the General Secretary of the Gandhi organization in India that sponsored the Pilgrimage of Peace sent me the schedule for the Sarvodaya (welfare of all) workshop at the 17th T.A.N.A. conference in Chicago on Friday. T.A.N.A is an association of North Americans from a particular state in India with its own language. I felt honored to be listed on the agenda as “Bob Graf. US Coordinator Pilgrimage of Peace.” I know it is just a title but I feel honored to offer my reflections at such a conference.
Also today I received information about a major conference on nonviolence to be held at Marquette University in October on Gandhi’s birthday. I had offered my assistance a while back to two of the major organizers of the conference only to be rejected, actually ignored and not even recognized. Yet, and maybe because of this, I have been asked to participate in a workshop at the national Pax Christi conference on our local nonviolent efforts to resist military training and the teaching of military values over Gospel values on the Marquette University Campus. (See Marquette Be Faithful to Gospel, No Longer Host Departments of Military Sciences.
At the garden center I received some new vegetable plants for my front lawn. I felt good planting them in the raised garden bed. Also today I went to the dump and found some good-looking wood chips that I can use on the front lawn garden. I did not have a chance to put them down today but will tomorrow and include a picture in tomorrow night’s posting.
Honor or rejection, what does it matter? Growing Renewable Affordable Food does matter.