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Tiny Yellow Flower 6/25/09
After the rain and now with this warm weather, flowers in the rain garden and other gardens around the house are really blooming. Amidst all these flowers there is one small yellow flower blooming in front of the house. It is the only one of its kind amidst of all the flowers we have and I do not know its name or what kind it is. However, it is very fragile looking and looks like with one big blast of wind or a rainstorm it could disappear. Maybe it would come back and maybe not.
The flower reminds me the fragility of life and our possessions. My new computer laptop just failed tonight and now does not even turn on. Will I lose all the information and pictures on this computer? I hope not but have not much say about it. Michael Jackson, king of pop, unexpectedly died today at the age of 50. I visited a friend tonight in the mental health hospital. It was more like experiencing a friend in jail. Security seemed more of a concern than treatment. The mind is very fragile. I recently discovered more of how poor persons are discarded more and more in our society. When a poor person dies there is no death notice in the newspaper since the price of even a small one is very high. A comprehensive single payer health insurance that would take the corporate profit out of health care and give everyone good effective health care is not even being considered seriously by congress and President in our health care reform. Innocent lives are lost daily in the wars weak and powerful nations fight.
Life, like the tiny yellow flower or a piece of technology and possessions are fragile. One strong wind, one bullet, one bomb on breakdown can take it way. “Here today and gone tomorrow” is the phrase one of my friends uses to describe the fragility of life. I showed my wife today the tiny yellow flower so in case it should die tomorrow, I was able to share its beauty with one other person.