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Robin over the hood
While working on the garden along my driveway today I noticed a small robin sitting on my wheel barrow right next to me. I figured he was too young to be scared by me. However, when I started to talk to the young robin he flew away. I guess I am no St. Francis.
There have been a lot of robins hanging around my house this year, in the backyard, side and front yard gardens. When you have worms working for you, making soil and reproducing, it is not too difficult to know why. Robins eat worms. While other birds sing in a nearby tree for me to put bird seeds in the feeders, the robins just wait and watch in the garden for worms.
The robins especially like the worm depository, a pile of compost that is basically used to grow more worms. When I turn over the pile, worm depository, or add composted soil to a new area in the gardens, the robins appear. So another benefit of growing with worm power is that your garden will be a robin hood.