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Cows & Worms Working Together
As I have mentioned before, our Pilgrimage to India has deeply affected the way I look at growing renewable affordable food (G.R.A.F.), and at nonviolence. One tangible result was initiated today when my son and his wife, the diary farm family across the road and I came to an understanding of how to begin our experiment to change cow dung into rich worm castings. Although I saw this done in India at rural institutes and I find some information on the web on the worm digest, there is still a lot to learn about how to apply this process in the U.S.A. However, we decided to learn by doing so the experiment will begin.
Touring the diary farm with one of the family members today I learned one of the big differences between here and India is the type of cows and what they are fed. In India the primary product of the cows on farms is cow dung. In the USA the primary product on a dairy farm is milk. This difference affects the type of cows bred and what they consume, and thus their dung. So some adjustments need to be made in the process, but the basic way of changing waste by worm power into rich organic fertilizer, black gold, remains consistent.
I will soon create a new web page on www.nonviolentcow.org to share information and results from this process. Also I would appreciate any information about using this process of transforming cow dung into vermicompost in the USA that anyone can share.
Changing cow dung into worm castings can open up a whole new world of growing power for farmers and urban gardeners.