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Julian of Norwich
All things shall be well
You shall see for yourself that
All manner of things shall be well Julian of Norwich
With more daylight today, even though it was a dark rainy day, comes more joy. Now the ground is soaked with a wealth of water and ready for spring planting.
My small talk after church brought in four possible new members to make home visits in our Society of St. Vincent De Paul Conference. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul’s main mission is to make home visits to families in need and to provide them with some of the basics of life, food, clothing, beds and appliances. Our church is in one of the poorest parts of the city and thus gets the most requests for help. We really need more home visitors. My pitch to the members of the Church was that God gave his grace and blessings to the poor and by visiting with them we will receive God’s blessings.
My friends, Sri Prasad and his wife, Dr. Kranthi sent me an email explaining why they have not responded recently to offers to help market goods from the Gandhi Ashram at Sarvodaya. Prasad’s mother had been very sick and he went to be with her. She is well now. It is good to know that someone is not ignoring you. Dr. Kranthi in the same email pointed out one of my errors in making her recipe for Dal on the Indian Recipe page. Although I knew the dal did not look right it tasted good. I will need to make it again and redo the picture on the site. All will be well with the picture.
My wife and I discussed tonight some home improvements and maintenance programs we would like to do in and around the house. Part of it was expanding our growing inside and outside the house, in front and back. Now we just need to do it.
My son who lives an apartment upstairs just finished some new artwork. I have seen some of it and look forward to seeing the rest and helping him put it on his web page, Peter Graf.
A son of some friends wrote me today about promoting his and friends web page Organization for Inspiration on this web site. I said yes, and that I would link it and promote it. Creativity is always such a joy to see.
My three friends that send me jokes by email keep me laughing every day.
We saw a good movie on Masterpiece Theater on TV tonight, ‘David Copperfield’.
Tonight my wife made dinner and added a little Indian spice, garam masala, to the broccoli. Indian spicing is contagiously good.
The list could go on and on. Despite the dark rainy day, all it took was a little more daylight to see that “All is Well.”