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Apricot Paczki

Today after driving my granddaughter to pre–school at the local Catholic school in Pulaski, WI I went over to the local bakery in town to pick up a cruller or doughnut. I was surprised to find the parking lot of the bakery full, including two TV news trucks from Green Bay. Inside I found persons picking up boxes of a Polish sweet called Paczki. When I asked the person at the counter what it was all about she said it was ‘Fat Tuesday’.

‘Fat Tuesday’ is the final day of Mardi Gras, and the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, a time of fasting till Easter. In this Polish Catholic Town of Pulaski it is only normal that you can pre-order and pick up all the Paczkis you want on ‘Fat Tuesday’. However, since Paczki is an ordinary item in this Polish bakery, you need not pre-order to enjoy a Paczki or two. So I purchased two, with apricot stuffing, for my son and me.

They were good, and maybe after school when I pick up my grandchildren to take them to Milwaukee for the rest of the week I might pick up some more for grandchildren, my wife and son in Milwaukee and of course myself to enjoy. For after all, it is ‘Fat Tuesday’ and I am fat.


Cactus — 24 January 2012, 16:15

I am tlotlay wowed and prepared to take the next step now.

wzhauq — 25 January 2012, 12:15

rIhgkR <a href=“”>psxzmzohamrh</a>

xzngqxbfsqp — 26 January 2012, 13:02

ecB5jB <a href=“”>yuxppeqhgkyl</a>


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