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World Peace Gong
The more I process our pilgrimage to India, the more I get back to the basics. For me that implies a deep love of God and all creation in the spirit of the Nonviolent Cross and desire to live simply in a sustainable way. To put it more specifically it means growing renewable affordable food and respecting and treating with dignity all creation. Even more grounded it means enjoying a healthy lunch with my two partners, Marna and Dawn, in the DMZ community garden and cleaning the sunroom and planting some more salad seeds today in the GP Box.
Food, Service, Kindness are the basics of living and no matter how far we travel or high or low in life we go, we need to return to the basics.
Gandhi wrote about some lofty values but he also wrote about the value of cow manure. His life was not segmented and put into boxes. Cleaning the toilets of the Untouchables or entering into silent prayer was all one in the same. This total oneness of all life and its sacredness for Gandhi was at the core of his being and is what we call nonviolence and sustainability.
At the site where Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi there is a “World Peace Gong”. Surrounding the image in the middle are symbols of many religions, which is surrounded by flags of every country. We are diverse and that is good. However, when you go back to the basics, we are one.