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Carson, Ready to Jump

These days seem to be a time of preparing: preparing for Christmas, preparing for my Pilgrimage to India in the footsteps of Gandhi. Today my wife was busy wrapping gifts for our grandchildren, sons and daughter-in-law, and I was busy buying a mosquito net for my pilgrimage to India this Saturday.

Preparing can be busy work only, or preparing can be being ready to receive what is coming. Actually both are necessary. Christmas can be buying and wrapping gifts, or it can be preparing heart and soul to deepen our awareness of “God with us”. Preparing for the pilgrimage can be buying supplies, or it can be reading and reflecting on the life and work of Gandhi.

When I was young I was a boy scout for a few years. I have some memories of Boy Scout camp and I do remember the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared”.

Now that I am old I have learned of lot of what it means to be prepared. Life experiences, and recently urban gardening, have taught me that in life you usually find what you are looking for. If you have ‘eyes to see’ and ‘ears to hear’. Like in a garden, when one prepares the soil and plants the seeds, in life when we prepare for what we are looking for we find it.

Tonight I called my oldest grandson Carson whose birthday is today. He is now eleven. He must know his time of birth, for when I asked him if he was ready to be eleven he said he had been 11 for 2 hours and 14 minutes, and it was ‘awesome’. He is ready.

The weatherman says more snow is coming. Am I prepared? Not really, but I will deal with it. A visit to my grandson’s house and preparing for Christmas will probably mean a day or two away from the Diary of the Worm. But we will be back, preparing for the Pilgrimage of Peace to India.



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