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Lettuce Grows
It was the night before just another day,
Outside it was cold and snowy,
But inside the sunroom,
Insulated by Air,
Lettuce for the salad was growing
In the Growing Power Box
Each day humans need to eat
And every night food grows.
In the day, light and sometimes water
Nourishes the lettuce
With nutrients sinking deep into the roots.
In the night without the light
The roots grow down
And the lettuce grows up.
Like most things in nature
This is a simple yet complex happening.
Humans try often to make it more complex than simple
By adding unnatural items like fertilizers.
But in the Growing Power Box
It is only waste made into compost,
Made into castings by worms
That is necessary.
We call it organic but it is only the natural way
Food grows
We humans call it ‘let it be’
And it lets us grow.