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Waterfalls of Life

It was the night before Thanksgiving and an attitude of gratitude was being prepared. When we really look for what we are thankful it usually comes down to people.

I am especially thankful for my three grandchildren today. We had a fun filled day starting at the Urban Ecology Center a place for nature and kids. The boys enjoyed playing the non-electronic games and my granddaughter enjoyed the waterfalls slide. We enjoyed climbing the tower and some of us took a walk outside. Nature brings out the children in all of us. We all left grounded in the Soil of Salvation. After lunch and a frozen custard at Leon’s Frozen Custard it was on to American Science and Surplus. This store goes back to my childhood days in Milwaukee and still is a house of science novelties for children of all ages. There are items from 49 cents to hundreds of dollars of interest for all ages. This time even our four-year-old granddaughter got into the spirit of science and picked up some little stuff for herself. My oldest grandson, who is really hooked on TV and video games, could not resist buying more of his traditional favorite product in the store, small plastic soldiers from the Middle Ages to the modern military. After we got home he had some imaginary battles. He really enjoys doing this and now I noticed his four-year-old sister quietly went off to the side to play some imaginary games with the soldiers he was not using. When we got home I was so tired from our nature and science day I let my other grandson, not interested in toy soldiers, just watch TV while I rested and checked my email.

On my email I discovered my first email newsletter from Michael Dowd, the main presenter at the Cosmology Conference that I attended recently. It was a fitting email after a day of nature and science with three children. You can check out the newsletter for yourself at The Evolutionary Times.

It was probably at the first awe of nature that religion was created. Humans needed to explain all the mysteries and wonders of nature so they created gods and goddesses, myth and stories to explain all these wonders that they were grateful for. Michael Dowd and his wife Connie Barlow describe the newsletter as “ our main means of communicating with the millions in the middle who, like us, find inspiration, comfort, and encouragement in our common creation myth—The Great Story of cosmos, Earth, life, and humanity told in meaningful and empowering ways.”

So what started at the “Big Bang” or “Big Bounce”, The Great Story, continues today at our visit to Urban Ecology Center and American Science & Surplus Store. The Great Story reveals itself all around us, most clearly in nature and science; all we need is an attitude of gratitude to see it.



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