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Recently when my printer starting printing green print instead of black, I thought maybe I have gone too far with this ‘green thing.’ But it is probably a defective refill on the print cartridge than an omen of being too green.
Being too green would be sort of boring. It would mean being a vegetarian, watching no or much less TV, healthy workouts and simpler living. I am happy just being a ‘want to be’ green person.
Many of us are ‘want to be’s’ in a lots of things, a great gardener, well read writer, perhaps a good athlete. But often we do not have the talent and/or discipline to be one. But being a ‘want to be’ is better than not caring or having no goals or direction in life.
The story of the rich young man in the Gospel that Jesus tells to “go sell what you have and give it to the poor” used to bother me. I believe Jesus meant what he said and was not just saying some type of hyperbole. Yet, on the other hand, I really cannot do what he is asking. This paradox bothered me until I realize that we must learn to live with paradoxes and as long as we desired to live the word of Jesus and did our best, all is well. Being a sincere ‘want to be’ can be okay.
I think the dangerous person in life is the non-‘want to be person’, the person that just ignores and avoids dilemmas between what we believe and what we do. Rather than be uncomfortable in the ‘want to be’ stage of life they just ignore issues or get so busy that they fail to see priorities.
In gardening there is no such luxury as not being a ‘want to be’. Either you ‘want to be’ a good gardener and learn from your successes and mistakes or you are not a gardener. Ignoring a garden is not an option.
Now how about a person that wants to be a ‘want to be?
Also I am a ‘want to be’ in posting tomorrow night since I need to go up north to pick up and bring back my grandchildren, . We can learn being a good ‘want to be’ from children.