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Lettuce Tonight in the Light
Last night I spoke about our trip to Lettuce Lake in Florida back to lettuce in our sunroom at home. Today I made a slide show called Faces of Lettuce Lake that says, better than words, the beauty of this nature preserve in Florida.
Above the GP box in the sunroom I have some fluorescent growing lights that go on for about 12 hours a day. These lights have been very useful, especially this week when the sun is not shining. In the picture on this page you can see the lettuce at night under the lights. However, I have been told that the real growing goes on in the night. The light or sun is essential to growth but the growing happens in the dark. Lettuce, like most plants, takes in energy during the day and then grows in the night.
I heard once that we humans are like lettuce, taking in energy during the day and growing in our sleep at night.
I postponed picking the lettuce and arugula inside the sunroom till tomorrow morning. I will be using it to make a salad for the DMZ lunch with Dawn, Marna and myself tomorrow. These monthly meetings give the three of us a chance to enjoy some good food and each other’s company as we make plans for the DMZ community garden. There is not any work to do on the DMZ in the winter, but there are plans to be made for the spring.
I will take some AIR insulation kits with me for use in Marna’s and Dawn’s houses. In our house I did a layer of glazing inside the front picture window today. Neal at the Casa Maria House of Hospitality wrote me today that he built inside frames for four of the windows at one of the Casa’s houses yesterday. Someday I need to update the AIR web page to simply explain the adaptability of this simple system on insulation. Also soon I hope to continue my experiment with the small greenhouse and AIR. There is much to do, but taking a lesson from nature at Lettuce Lake and the lettuce in my GP box, being available for taking in the light during the day and growing in the darkness of the night is a priority. From Lettuce to lettuce this is the way.