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Humming Bird Flower
Again today I saw a humming bird flying around a red flower in my rain garden. Again today after I got my camera to take a picture, the humming bird was gone. I am now calling this red flower, whose formal name I do not know, the humming bird flower.
A number of years ago when I was leaving a job I got a red humming bird feeder as a gift. I put some sugar water in it, as instructed, and put it in my garden at the time. No humming birds ever came by for a drink, and now it just hangs inside the garage of my present house ignored by me until today. A number of friends told me that humming birds were not in the city and I believed them. No longer. This red flower attracts humming birds. Tomorrow I will dust off the humming bird feeder, put some sweet water in it, and hang it up in the rain garden in front of the house near the red flower.
I do not know the name of the red flower. When I purchased it via the Milwaukee Sewerage Department for the rain garden I did get the name on a tag. I put the tags near the various flowers but now they are all gone. Really I do not care for the given name of the flower. It is more than enough to know it as the humming bird flower.
I remember when my grandson was very young, before he could talk and name things, how when he saw a bird in the yard, he would point at it and chase it, similar to what his young hunting dog now does by instinct when he sees a bird in the yard. However, when he got older my grandson learned that it was a “bird” that he saw, and after a while was not so excited to see one. Now, being ten, he probably knows the names of a number of birds, and it takes a lot more than a bird to excite him and his imagination. An author I recently read called for a “vision of always seeing things for the first time.” The ordinary can be extraordinary but most often, after we see it many times and name it, it becomes boring. So it is more than enough to know this beautiful red plant in the garden as the humming bird flower.