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Cool Sunset on Warm Night

The cool weather today reminded us that summer is coming to a close. I do not know if my late blooming tomatoes will make it in time but do know it is time to plant again. The late summer is a good time to plant salad greens again outside and soon inside. Since cool weather is okay for most garden salad greens I need to plant these seeds outside soon. At the same time I need to move compost in the GP Box in the sunroom soon and get worms and castings out of the worm condo with some going inside for winter planting in the sunroom. So if we have more hot heat and humidity the tomatoes will grow in time. But if it stays cool and comfortable the salad greens will grow. Either way, warm or cool, the salad bowl contributions will grow. GP Home Model Garden is making do with what you got. If you have a small space you can grow up. If the temperature is cool grow greens. If it is hot grow peppers and tomatoes. If you soil lacks nitrogen add more enriched compost. If the soil is too heavy or dense add some carbon like wood chips or coir. Change is the only consistent in the garden and learning by doing is the only way to learn. So if it is cool or warm you can grow.



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