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1968 A Year That Shaped A Generation
Yesterday some friends from St. Louis came over for dinner and the night. By the time we enjoyed the garden, dinner, home brew and lots of conversation it was just too late for the posting on the Diary of the Worm. Tonight I had good intentions but my brother from Iowa called and it took us awhile to catch up with family happenings and Brett Favre news. Tomorrow will be my last posting for a week as I take some time out with my wife and grandchildren and friends to enjoy some fishing, swimming, cooking out and just being lazy. Because I did not post last night does not mean I have not been working. Working on the garden, working to eliminate the military on campus at Marquette, or serving the needs of persons through St. Vincent De Paul is work, whether I write about it or not. However, I do feel some obligation to anyone who reads these postings and myself to keep on posting. So tomorrow I will, to ease my conscience and because I have meaning to, put some of my postings together about Worm Condos. There has been some interest from persons in New Orleans about worm condos, and I am trying to help my friend Godsil to peddle worm condos for every community and home garden.
My friend from the 60’s, who was visiting, and I did some brief movies and multimedia shows in the days before VCR’s, digital video, wiki, youtube, super 8 or DVD’s. They were done with 8mm movie camera, tape recorder and slide projectors. One we made in 1968 after the Milwaukee 14 action has images and music that are meaningful today. I am trying to get my co-producer who did the work in his media lab in St. Louis, to put it all together in a digital format. As he said, if he does do that, it will never be the same, but only in his eyes. These images and music of 1968 are powerful in 2008. I made my plea to him after we enjoyed a unique homemade healthy meal I created yesterday. (Like most of my home creations it will never be served the same again.) I planted the seed in his mind. I will keep you posted. In an every changing world, family, friends and worm condos are constants you can be grounded in.