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Dawn & Marna Planted in the DMZ

Today, the first Saturday of the month, was the monthly sale of plants at the commercial interior landscaping store near my old house. For less than $4 I got a nice shrub for outside, a flowering yellow ‘shrimp’ plant for the kitchen and an orchid to try to grow again. I also went up to DMZ to bring some coffee grounds and to get some wood chips and small collard plants for my garden. Marna and Dawn are doing quite well in the DMZ community garden. Also today my daughter-in-law sent me pictures of the three gardens on their land up north. She was getting them ready for a country garden show walk or drive. Naturally I worked a little in my own garden today, mostly planting the new collard plants and adding wood chips and stuff to compost pile to grow soil. I find it easier to keep my own life planted in the Now when I am around plants, inside and outside, most of the day. Part of the healing power of gardens comes from dealing with plants planted in the earth. It is easier to ground one’s own life and thoughts in the present when we are planted, like plants. In “A Book of Hours” made of quotes from Thomas Merton there is this quote that applies to living in the moment:

I am the appointed hour,
The “now” that cuts
Time like a blade.

(Breath Prayer “Song, If you Seek…,” Collected Poems of Thomas Merton, p. 340)

The more planted we are in the moment the more we can experience the eternal.



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