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Tonight I went to the Friends meeting hall to hear Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col. USAF, ret., National Commander of the Patriots, www.ThePatriots.us, talk. He gave his talk as if he were giving his State of the Union address, shortly after his inauguration as President of the USA. In his talk he touched on all the major issues of our country — economic, political and military — in very specific ways, and gave his vision for the nation. His basic message can be summed up in this quote on the card he passed out: “There is no longer Republican nor Democrat, conservative nor liberal, hawk nor dove. There are only Patriots demanding accountability, speaking truth to power and exercising our Constitutional right to save our Republic.”
Before the talk and making and eating diner. I was working on the compost pile in behind the garage. I was adding carbon, wood chips, and nitrogen, food waste and coffee grounds, to build the pile and thus make more soil. It is a smelly job but one that needs to be done to grow more soil. What Dr. Bob Bowman now does, traveling the country speaking to small audiences with his patriot’s message, is not very rewarding financially and has no immediate results. However, just like an Growing Power urban farmer or home gardener, he feels compelled to get the message out. These postings of mine, on a much smaller and earthy scale, are driven by the same compulsion, to get the message out. A number of times Dr. Bowman mentioned how major international agri-businesses are controlling food for their personal wealth and not for the common good of human beings. After the talk someone asked him about this and the need to return agriculture back to small farmers. He agreed and said how essential localizing sources of food are to our future. So building the compost pile so I can Grow Renewable Affordable Food (G.R.A.F) is smelly, but is something I must do to be a true patriot.