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Rain Garden Today
Rain gardens need water. Between the bouts of rain and watering, my rain garden has had its due of water recently. As you can see in this picture it is starting to grow. There are no flowers yet but they will come in time. At first, almost a month ago, when the perennials, native to Wisconsin, were planted they were small and stayed small for quite awhile. I kept watering them unless it rained. I thought they are taking root. Except for a few plants that the rabbits seem to bite off this turned out to be true. Now they are growing and, if not this year then hopefully in years to come, the garden will spread and flower. The rain barrel in the back of the picture is diverting the rain from the roof to the rain garden instead of to the sewer system. The plants not only get the rain that falls on them or the water that I put on them, but they also enjoy the water from a good part of the roof that comes down the gutter from the roof to the barrel and flows out, with some tea added, into the rain garden. Three sources of water are better than two or one or none.
The plants bitten off at the stem seem to be a certain kind. I blame the rabbit since I never saw a rabbit in my front or back yard until I planted the garden. Fortunately the rabbit(s) did not discover the lettuce in my backyard… or did it, since one of the rows planted in the same spot as last year has not had produced much while the salad greens in the boxes raised up on the vertical growers or in the planters on the side are doing real well. Or maybe it was not the rabbit but some other creature that roams the neighborhood. I should check on the name of the plant and do some investigation. My son is a police detective. Maybe he can check on this mystery. However, just watching Mystery Theater again on Pubic Television tonight I feel more than ready to take on the case.
One thing is not a mystery is that plants in a rain garden need water.