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Sower Sows Seed
Cleaning out the basement is a good for the soul and, as it turns out, good for the garden. In cleaning out the basement we found box of old bills and invoices. Although they were no longer needed, my wife said we should not throw them in the garbage because some of them might include our social security number and other I.D. I said “good”. We could shred them and put them in the compost pile. Because my car was in the body shop all of last week I have not been able to go to the dump and get my regular source of carbon, wood chips, from the dump. I had run out of cardboard boxes, until today, and shredded wood chips make a good source of carbon for the compost pile. Also, once it is composted, I think the worms will enjoy the little change in mixture of compost. After all bait shops use newspaper in layers in refrigerators to keep and grow worms. In the children’s book “Diary of a Worm” one of the funny lines to the little worm is from his mom telling him not to “bother Dad when he is eating the newspaper.” When one is garden mindful who knows what treasures one will find in cleaning out a basement.
I started again work on putting on the web the Retreat in Daily Life, something some of us developed when I was working with Casa Romero, a renewal center on the South side. I worked on it with a Jesuit, a friend since high school days, who is the Director of Casa Romero, before going off in another direction with it. Now I remember why I stopped working on putting it on the web last year. Each of the thirteen sections takes time and effort to put on the web. It may be ‘arrogant’ of me, just like this daily posting may be, but for some reason it is something I feel like I should share. My Jesuit friend and I are both going to St. Louis to a conference on Ignatian Spirituality at end of this month, so we may have a chance to update each other where our pilgrimage with this idea, which was his, has taken us.
Maybe you can say my efforts at communicating or broadcasting are like the person in the gospel garden parable in the reading this morning in Church. He was a sower and broadcast seeds everywhere, on rocky ground, on paths, thorns and rich soil, where it took root and bore fruit. (Mt: 13:1–23) The point was that he sowed seed everywhere, even though only some of it was useful. I guest us broadcasters are this way, just spreading seeds, words or thoughts everywhere and saying like Jesus: “Whoever has ears ought to hear.” If this is being ‘arrogant’ so be it. Even the lowly worm or the basement can bear something worthwhile.