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At Church this morning I noticed how important music is to good worship. Although I cannot sing I still enjoy the music. Our Catholic services is a Eucharistic meal and we call the altar a table and we share bread and wine as the body and blood of Christ. After the service we went downstairs to the Church Hall to share some coffee, juice and doughnuts. This is the time to socialize with friends young and old. After Church we went to a new urban market nearby to check out the local home grown food. Being early in the season there was not much locally grown food outside of salad greens and such. Some local craft vendors drew my wife’s attention while I wandered over to a group of three men in army green with guitars. They said they were called Guitars For Vets and their goal was to bring the “healing power of music in the hands of heroes.” They have guitar lessons for Veterans at the VA center and believe that music, as I do, is a healing power. Music at a local fresh food market seems natural. Sharing food and music go together like rain and sun go together to grow in a garden
The rest of the stops on the way home were to two grocery stores for food and lunch and the local dump for wood chips for the compost pile to make soil to grow food. Also meeting Guitars For Vets reminded me to write the section on Music Everywhere for Everyone for my pictorial essay Risen In Venezuela. It should be finished tomorrow. This visit to a cultural center in a barrio in Venezuela was also accompanied by food, a delicious chicken dinner. Food is necessary for survival of the body so we try to grow renewable affordable Food (G.R.A.F.) and music is necessary for the soul. Thus it is only natural that when we bring the two together, we have sacred worship, dance and song, a good time and a renewal of spirit and body. Food and music go together as bread and wine, wine and roses and song and dance.