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Blessed Trinity
(The pastor of our Church asked some of us to write a brief piece for a shared homily on our Church’s fest day, the Blessed Trinity. I started to write something profound, but ended up looking at the Blessed Trinity, Three Persons in One God, by looking at a worm. I will return to observations from the gardens tomorrow.)
From a worm we can learn about the Blessed Trinity. Both a worm and the Blessed Trinity are three in one. The Blessed Trinity is three persons in One God. One worm can be divided into three. Waste, nothing worthwhile, goes through a worm and comes out rich organic soil. The Blessed Trinity creates something from nothing, not even using waste. Seeds planted in the organic soil of worm castings grow new life. From the creation of the Blessed Trinity flows all new life. The Blessed Trinity and a worm are neither male nor female.
A worm is a cold-blooded creature that gives almost all of what it takes from the earth back to the earth in enriched soil. The Blessed Trinity so loved the world that God emptied himself and became one of us. This is greater love than if one of us decided to give ourselves for the good of all by becoming a simple worm.
With worms we can easily grow organically. With God we can grow organically and spiritually. The spirit of use of worms, vermiculture, can guide us in growing. The Spirit of God, theology, can guide us in all things. What we choose to grow or do with a worm or God is up to us. God and a worm are present to guide us naturally.
God created all creatures, including the worm, so we can know the Blessed Trinity more easily and make a return of love more readily. Now if we can learn so much about the Blessed Trinity from a worm, how much more can we learn about the Blessed Trinity from each other and ourselves?