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Low Green Spring
“There are wars and rumors of war, poverty and plague, hunger and pain. Still, the sap is rising; again there is the resurrection of spring, and God’s continuing promise to us that He is with us always, with His comfort and joy, if we will only ask.” — Dorothy Day
Just as the March 26th diary posting, this one starts off with a green quote from Dorothy Day, the co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. My day today was like this quote above. It was full of news of more deaths in Iraq, feeling the pain of the homeless women and children at the shelter, a woman struggling to maintain her mental health, and hearing of the death of a friend’s mother. Yet there were signs of spring. Today I first dug into the worm compost for some enriched soil, added to the compost pile, paper, cardboard and coffee grounds, and prepared soil for inside plant starting, and planted some tomato seeds in a covered flat in the sunroom. The new plants are being prepared for outside on our new insert to the shelf below the growing power box. The tea from the box used to run down a sloping tray into a catch basin on the bottom shelf. Now it runs down the tray to the insert on the shelf below. The tea runs below the plants on the bottom shelf, and than drains into the catch basin which is now on the floor on the other side. Naturally this tea is then recycled into the box and planters. I have a lot more planting to do tomorrow in the box, part of which has been cleared for new plants, and in the planting trays on the bottom shelf. So instead of saying the sap is running, which my friend the maple syrup farmer says it is, I can say the tea is flowing down and down. The picture on the side shows the tray that drains the box and the insert on the shelf below the box that is partially full of a covered flat, some planters of herbs starting to grow and a planter of lettuce. From this low shelf and the wastewater of worm castings (tea), new life will rise. So despite the “wars and rumors of wars, poverty and plague, hunger and pain”, still the tea is running, “again there is the resurrection of spring”.